The Raincoast of Beautiful BC in all of its Elements

Our tour got off to a grand start this afternoon because the weather when we left the dock was settled with not a drop of rain or wisp of wind to be felt or seen. Before the boat got underway there was chatter on the radio about a group of Transient orcas that were making their way slowly west towards Lizard Point. And birds that are seldom seen (and usually in the fall) were also being reported i.e.: Storm Petrels and Jaegers (possibly the Parasitic or Pomarine species).

Once our tour got underway we saw other seafaring birds for Rhinoceros Auklets and Common Murres were out in force today feeding in frenzies along with gull species on numerous bait balls of small fish while the Sooty Shearwaters appeared everywhere and even while the rain fell like pellets upon them, they continued to feed unperturbed voraciously.

We caught up to the Transient orcas (T60's) off the Penfold Islands while they were making their way towards the Foster Islands. We had some wonderful viewing of both the male and female orcas who were taking short dives before they commenced their search for Harbour Seals in and around the Foster Island group.

Of Humpback Whales we had our fair share of sightings. We watched them lunging up through herring balls and witnessed the speed at which they moved their enormous bodies. It was a sight that made for some phenomenal viewing along with their explosive sounds when they surfaced up through the water displacing the frenzy of feeding birds who fled in fright at the impact of the enormous whales. It is a sight that lingers in one's mindseye and is not easily forgotten

The rain when it came, gushed on down like a tap turned on full and then just as suddenly it ended and the day brightened once more. The Coast Range Mountains on Mainland BC stretched far off with miles of open water between us and them, the water calm and shimmering in the distance. At times we sat watchful, mesmerized by the sheer volume and beauty in our surroundings. We had seen a gorgeous rainbow stretching across the Foster Islands and sunshine that had briefly filled the ocean bright with beams of light so that distant gulls floating on the inky blue ocean seemed like white bobbing balls. And even when they flew, their wings still shining in the light, reflected back to us 'pristine white'.

Adding in the other species seen today seems small and yet, they added greatly to the picture perfect day. There were Stellar Sea Lions, Harbour Seals, Dall's Porpoises, Red-necked Grebes, a Great Blue Heron, Black Turnstones and Bald Eagles.

It was a tour of contrasting colour, shapes and sizes, of breathtaking wonder and magical moments that showcased the raincoast of beautiful BC in all of its elements and did not disappoint any of us today!

Seasmoke Whale WatchingComment