Change in the Forecast - Final Tour of the Season

After following the forecast over the past 24 hours, we noticed a change in the gale force winds that were predicted to come through this area. Although Johnstone Strait was still to experience 30 to 40 knot south easterly winds, Queen Charlotte Straits forecast had dropped down to 15 to 20. This gave us a weather window to utilize for our final tour of the season.

We did not venture far today because of the wind waves and choppy seas but thankfully the wildlife came to us, literally. Dall’s porpoise delighted our passengers as they briefly joined us to ride our gentle boat wake, as we drifted in the Weynton Passage current.

The Plumper Islands was the hotspot for animals, including the nesting pair of Bald Eagles that have been present throughout the summer. One mature adult could be seen standing inside the nest and by the sounds and activity, food was being devoured within the nest. Below them in fine spirits, the Stellar Sea lions poised on rocks, the larger adult male sat up tall on the highest of the rock, as though his was royalty on his throne.

The Humpbacks were lively today, as four breaches were witnessed by our guests. We can’t help but wonder what they think of these rougher seas. There was an excitement to their movements today as they leaped, full body length out of the water, crashing down on the vigorous seas.

The rain held off throughout the tour which pleased our photographers. We cruised at a gentle pace, avoiding sea spray and staying within the sheltered passageways and bays where the islands gave us a lee. Our local birds showed little fear of these exhilarating conditions. The tiny, seemingly fragile Red Necked Phalaropes and Rhinoceros Auklets just went about their daily activities as though today was just another day in their foraging home grounds.

What a season it has been with numerous sightings of exquisite wildlife, that generously share their home with us as visitors who are simply trying to, just for a moment, get a glimpse of their life. All the creatures we observed and admired whether that be the handsome Orca, or graceful Shearwaters, or the loyal Harbour Seals and gigantic Humpbacks; they are all gifts and we are privledged to witness even if the moment is fleeting.

Hayley, Maureen, Jon and Catherine all thank you for sharing with us our summer season’s adventures. We wish you all the best for a healthy, happy winter.

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