On our tour today passengers enjoyed the early sighting and viewing of the A24 Matriline resident orcas.
They were traveling slowly west in Blackfish Sound moving out into the Queen Charlotte Strait against the flood tide where some resting and milling about activity was observed. A Humpback Whale was sighted close by allowing for some wonderful viewing, a second humpback whale was also sighted further away. Wind conditions today enabled sailing with the whales, moving quietly along. It was a most beautiful day for viewing and enjoying the surrounding scenic beauty. Other species also seen were: Harbor Seals, Pacific White-sided Dolphins, numerous Bald Eagles in flight fishing and also in the trees, Rhinoceros Auklets, Common Murre’s and Pigeon Guillemots.


Our tours this year began on June 13 with a humpback whale sighting and viewing of a black bear foraging on the beach. On June 14th, a humpback whale was observed breaching 14 times. Subsequent tours over the following two weeks provided us always with a humpback whale sighting as well on several occasions minke whale(s) and black bear sightings; on several tours we had bow-riding dall's porpoises accompanying us for lengthy periods along the way. On June 25 passengers were thrilled with their viewing of 9 Transient orcas: T014, T020, T002, T002C, T002C1, T002C2, T046B,T046B1, T046B2. Other species also seen were white-tailed deer, harbour seals, stellar sea lions, pigeon guillemots, rhinoceros auklets, bald eagles and two eaglets in their nests.