Today was an exceptional day for viewing marine mammals in the area and it had to be again one of the warmest days of the summer. The fog was clearing as we neared the Stephenson Islands and Johnstone Strait stretched ahead of us looking like a mill pond.It was so beautiful and already blows could be seen down at Cracroft Point. Two of the A36 brothers: A37 and A38 were foraging back and forth, lunge feeding at times, their A-Clan calls were wonderful to listen to as well their ecolocations via the hydrophone. A12 was reported further back in Blackfish Sound but ahead of the A30’s who were also en route. We traveled a little further east where we could see numerous blows and orcas heading to the west, the A23’s passed by, close to the West Cracroft Island shoreline, the other groups of A5’s (and possible A24’s) were seen at a distance, they were resting and then they turned and headed back east. Meanwhile the A30’s, with A30 and A38 in the lead had entered the Strait at Blakney Passage and were headed to the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve; A50 and her calves followed next and then A54 and her calves with a small group of Pacific White-sided Dolphins interacting with them as they did yesterday. Dalls Porpoise were also active, feeding nearby. The A36’s were still foraging at Cracroft Point when we headed into Blackfish Sound. A Humpback Whale, later identified as BCYO177 (known as Slash because it has no dorsal fin and has slashes visible on its body close to the dorsal fin area, the cause of propellor damage) was sighted out in the Queen Charlotte Strait. The viewing was absolutely amazing for everyone on board observing as the whale fed, lunge diving and bubble netting on a herring ball close by. Bald Eagles, Rhinoceros Auklets ++, Common Murres and Gulls+++were also feeding on the herring ball. Other highlights of the day included the viewing of a mother Black Bear and her cub who were foraging along a beach and a very young/small mink was also sighted running along a rocky shore.