This morning when we headed out the A30”s were reported heading to the west at Lizard Point while other pods: the A23’s, 25’s, A8’s, A24’s and A11’s were heading east at Cracroft Point. We decided to head to the east, it was a beautiful day and one that was worth the waiting for as it turned out! Pacific White-sided Dolphins 100++were seen in the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve when we arrived, as well a small group went by us heading to the west. Orcas were sighted in the estuary of the Bight heading east and we observed them as they went to the beaches at the eastern end. It was nice to simply sit back and observe them; so many at the beaches at one time and then suddenly, they all began heading to the east and out of the eastern end of the Reserve. To see these groups of orcas, the A4’s and the A5’s altogether was wonderful; the A11’s were in the lead with the A24’s right behind with A73, the A8’s, A23’s and A25’s following closer to the Vancouver Island shore and almost parallel to the A5’s. Watching the young calves playing together was a treat: the lighting was superb and the viewing was breathtaking. As we watched the orcas, a flock of some 60 + Sandhill Cranes were observed flying overhead south while en route back home, a Humpback Whale and another flock of 40 + Sandhill Cranes flying south were sighted. It was a great ending to a most spectacular day of viewing in Johnstone Strait. Other species also seen today were: Dall’s Porpoises, hauled out Harbour Seals, Bald Eagles, Rhinoceros Auklets, Common Murres, Red-necked Phalaropes++, Pigeon Guillemots, Surf Scoters, Stellar Sea Lions, California Gulls, Mew, Herring and Glaucous-winged Gulls.