Today was a wonderfully relaxing day for viewing orcas in Johnstone Strait. When we headed out later this morning the A36’s and A12’s were reported as passing by ‘the Cliff ‘ and as we neared the area, the A36’s and A12 were foraging in the flood current at Blackney Passage, moving slowly west while the A34’s were nearing Cracroft Point. The A36’s and A12 were well spread out moving mid-Strait while the A34’s who had rested briefly at the bottom end of Hanson Island began moving close along the Hanson Island shoreline. A34 had been sighted by herself crossing Blackney Passage and then later, she was seen travelling and foraging in the company of her son A55. A small group of Pacific White-sided Dophins were observed swimming among the orcas all of our viewing time with them. Leaving the area to cruise through the Island waterways we were joined by some 20+ Dalls Porpoises, several of whom were riding at the bow of the boat while others were “rooster tailing” alongside of and behind us as we travelled along. Passengers enjoyed their playful interaction with amazement, watching as they darted quickly back and forth at the bow with ease. This is the largest group of Porpoises that we have seen in a long while. As always the Stellar Sea Lions were fascinating to watch and photograph, while many were hauled out, many more were in the water swimming, some were curious and made their way over to the boat as it drifted in the flood current. The lighting in Weynton Passage was exquisite, silvery blue and shimmering as we passed through on our way home. Other species seen today were: Bald Eagles, Red-necked Phalaropes, Rhinoceros Auklets, Common Murres, Belted Kingfishers, Harlequin Ducks, 12 Oystercatchers, Mew, California, Glaucous-winged & Herring Gulls.