What an extraordinary day it was out in the Queen Charlotte Strait and Blackfish Sound waterways where we headed to this morning on our tour. There were no reports of any orca sightings or reports of them being sighted throughout the tour but as the day unfolded and more Humpback Whales were sighted, everybody on board were thrilled and satisfied with their viewings. It was incredible to sit back and look at the visual beauty seen today with the coastal range mountains creating a beautiful backdrop, glorious sunshine and Humpback Whale blows, one after another observed in every direction, it was astonishing! There were at least eight Humpback Whales sighted, possibly nine or more, some were seen nearby others a distance away but their seemingly effortless surfacing and diving sequences were stunning to watch especially for those who had never before sighted a whale of any kind. Freckles, Slash and Chunky were among those sighted today. There was herring ball activity with seabirds feeding in a frenzy including Sooty Shearwaters who are still passing through the area and who are feeding veraciously on herring before heading further south, migrating to islands off New Zealand, Australia and South America. They could be found where the Auklets and Murres were diving while feeding and driving herring to the surface collectively in 'balls' while Humpback Whales could be seen heading for and surfacing in the middle of these 'balls', as well, one Humpback was standing on its head tail breaching again and again, another Humpback Whale was observed flick-feeding (creating a wave of herring through which it was feeding) while another spontaneously breached, it was quite literally fantastic viewing throughout the entire tour. Other species seen: Stellar Sea Lions hauled out and swimming ++, Harbour Seals, Bald Eagles, Red-necked Phalaropes++, Rhinoceros Auklets, Common Murres, Surf Scoters, Pelagic Cormorants, Belted Kingfishers, California, Mew, Glaucous-winged & Herring Gulls and ribbons of migrating birds strung-out across the skyline, too far away to identify. Fall is a magical time to be out on the water viewing the diverse and ever-changing marine life.