What a glorious day it was today and also one of the very best days of the season for viewing Humpback Whales; it was also a special day in which we were able to view the Resident Orca and Matriline, A12. It was a typical fall day, sunny and calm with a cool nip in the air, the kind of day that we look forward to especially out in the Queen Charlotte Strait where we headed to this morning. An orca had been reported heading west at the Sophia Islands identified as A12, she was travelling alone, there was no sign of the A34’s (her daughter and her off-spring) or the A36’s. En route to viewing A12 we travelled into Weynton Passage where seabirds appeared to be everywhere feeding in a frenzy hovering over and around herring balls. A Humpback Whale was sighted near the Plumper Islands and from a distance we could observe it moving back and forth with considerable speed. As we drew closer, herring could be seen on the water surface moving, a sea of shimmering silver and suddenly the Humpback Whale appeared in the middle lunge feeding as it surfaced surprising everyone on board, it was phenomenal viewing! We headed into Blackfish Sound sighting two more Humpback Whales in the distance, one at Parsons Light and the other at Flower Island and soon, A12 was also sighted, she was making her way slowly to the west. It was so good seeing her yet we had to wonder why she was alone without her family or the three brothers, the A36’s with whom she has been in the company of so much this summer. We watched her pass, a solitary yet graceful orca, swimming strongly, allowing the ebb current to also push her westbound towards Lizard Point. Five more Humpback Whales were sighted in the vicinity of Bold Head, it seemed that everywhere we looked a Humpback Whale could be seen surfacing or diving, backs arched and flukes high. The activity was intense with some tail lobbing, pectoral fin waving and slapping and lunge feeding. One Humpback Whale could also be heard trumpeting as it fed, the viewing was superb especially when one suddenly changed direction and headed towards the boat allowing all to glimpse it briefly under the water as it passed by. It was a magical day where the viewings were exceptional, the Coast Range Mountains made a beautiful backdrop to a calm blue ocean that was seemingly brimming with sea-life. Other species also seen: Dalls Porpoises, Stellar Sea Lions+++, Harbour Seals, Bald Eagles, Red-necked Phalaropes++, Rhinoceros Auklets, Common Murres, Surf Scoters, Pelagic Cormorants, Belted Kingfishers, Great Blue Herons, Sooty Shearwaters, California and Mew, Glaucous-winged & Herring Gulls.