This morning when we set out on tour the orcas who were in the vicinity were the A36 brothers: A37 and A46 with A12. They were in the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve foraging and moving slowly to the east. The wind was blowing from the south east and the sea choppy but on arriving at the Ecological Reserve the orcas had just turned back to the west, they were still inside the reserve and we maintained our distance on the boundary, just outside of the Reserve. We sailed back to the west, A46 was foraging closest to the boundary while A12 & A37 were well inside the Bight. A very large group of pacific white-sided dolphins (several hundred) appeared suddenly from the west and proceeded to travel to the east at a rapid rate, it was fabulous to see them porpoising along, some leaping clear out of the water, an amazing sight to see! Other sightings included: harbour seals, oyster catchers, rhinoceros auklets, pigeon guillemots, red-necked phalaropes and herring gulls.