It was a fabulous day out on the water with exceptional viewing of resident orcas and humpback whales. The orcas were reported to be at the rubbing beaches in the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve after we departed on tour this morning and we made our way through Weynton Passage where passengers enjoyed viewing 6 stellar sea lions swimming and two humpback whales who foraged in the back eddie of an ebbing current. It was exciting to watch as they surfaced and dived deep, their flukes highly visible. We travelled further in Blackfish Sound and as we neared the eastern portion, two more humpback whales were sighted. The day was bright as the cloud cover cleared and a gorgeous day was unfolding as we entered Johnstone Strait through Blackney Passage while in the distance the blows of orcas could be seen highlighted against the Vancouver Island shoreline. The A30 matriline had by now passed the western boundary of the Reserve and continued moving to the west as we approached, they were swimming quickly in the ebb current, strung out and were moving very close along the shoreline. With our hydrophone deployed and our engine cut it was surprising to hear them while at the same time wonderful listening to their A-Clan calls. It was a thrilling moment when A39 who was foraging out from the shoreline passed by close to our boat enabling all on board to clearly see his body from both above and below the water. Making our way to the west we were amazed at the speed that the orcas were travelling until finally at Blinkhorn A30 slowed and seemed to stop to rest; A39 continued to forage nearby and A38 could be seen further behind, he could be seen grouped together and travelling with his sisters and their offspring. Other sightings today included: numerous dall’s porpoises, harbour seals, rhinoceros auklets, common murre, red-necked phalaropes, california, mew and glaucous-winged gulls, bald eagles and belted kingfishers++ who were fishing.