On today’s tour there were many sightings of humpback whales, some near and some off in the distance and passengers enjoyed a fabulous time viewing them and a small group of pacific white-sided dolphins. The two humpback whales feeding near the Plumper Islands were feeding constantly, moving back and forth where it was obvious there was ample herring in the area as gulls and rhinoceros auklets were gathered in large flocks and the gulls could be seen with herring in their bills in the midst of herring balls. The small group of 10+ dolphins joined us at the bow as we travelled slowly along and when we stopped they proceeded to feed nearby, and could also be seen leaping out of the water and were interacting with a humpback whale that was trumpeting as it surfaced. Other sightings today included: dall’s porpoises, harbour seals, common murre, red-necked phalaropes, california, mew and glaucous-winged gulls, bald eagles, belted kingfishers, oyster catchers, black turnstones,and pigeon guillemots.