It was a very foggy day when we headed out this morning and while A-Clan calls had been heard and reported as being in the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve early this morning, when leaving the dock we did not know where the orcas might be. Because the whale watching community all work together and share sightings, we were fortunate in locating a single orca that had been sighted in thick fog which turned out to be A30 followed by her son A38 and then hearing other blows nearby, soon we could make out the rest of the A30 matriline, minus A39 (A30’s youngest son), a total of 11 orcas. A39 was travelling with another group of six orcas who were already in the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve, the A23’s and A25’s, they were well ahead of the A30’s but the three groups have been travelling together or in close proximity for several days now. As we observed, the A30’s were grouped together in a synchronized line and continued travelling to the east, the sight of them all in their surfacing and diving sequence, surrounded by fog was beautiful and wonderful to watch. Nearing Izumi Rock and still in heavy fog, we turned back crossing over to the Cracroft shoreline which was clear of fog and it was good to be in daylight once more! As we were nearing Alder Bay on our return we sighted a minke whale and enjoyed some excellent viewing and while we were docking passengers reported seeing a second minke whale, both of them were seen heading in the direction of Pearse Passage. Other sightings today included: dall’s porpoises, harbour seals, a stellar sea lion, rhinoceros auklets, mew and glaucous-winged gulls, bald eagles and a fork-tailed storm petral.