It was an incredible day for viewing orcas despite the fog that lingered in Queen Charlotte Strait and Blackfish Sound while burning off rapidly in Johnstone Strait on our return. Soon after we departed from Alder Bay orcas had already been located in Blackfish Sound and travelling through Weynton Passage we encountered one just north of Stubbs Island. The sighting took us by surprise when one of our passengers pointed back, having glimpsed at first one orca, followed by more in the heavy fog. It was exciting, especially so when the engine was cut and we could listen to their blows and loud vocals (G & A-Clan calls) and ecolocations via our hydrophone. They were spread out in their small family groups: mothers and their calves foraging together in the ebb current while mature males and older orcas were foraging nearby but on their own. Because of the fog we could not scan far off in the distance to keep track of all of the orcas who were in the area today but even so, the viewing of those orcas nearby was brilliant! The orcas we sighted were a mix of the A30, A8 and I15 matrilines. For those passengers who carried on to Alert Bay a single dalls porpoise joined us riding at the bow of the boat, almost all the way into Alert Bay which was a wonderful way to end the tour on. Other sightings included: dall’s porpoises, stellar sea lions, harbour seals, rhinoceros auklets, common murres, glaucous-winged gulls, bald eagles, oyster catchers and pelagic cormorants.