A trio of Humpback Whales with fantastic viewing!

Three humpback whales side by side. A trio of humpback whales

It was a glorious day when we headed out and making our way through the Pearse Islands harbour seals were seen swimming while bald eagles could be seen perched high amongst the tree tops. There had been a report of two humpback whales sighted near Donegal Head and we caught up to them off Bold Head. As it turned out there were three humpbacks and not two, they were all travelling together and were mesmerizing and magical to watch. Heading east in Blackfish Sound we observed them

Humpback whales diving in unison

S.V. Tuan back in home port of Alert Bay.

turning back to the west taking long dives while surfacing for  2-6 breathes in each dive sequence. Two of the humpback whales were identified as being KC and Cutter. With our main-sail up and a light wind blowing passengers enjoyed a quiet time sailing along, observing the whales and while listening to their blows some trumpeting could also be heard. Leaving the whales we made our way back home passing through scenic waterways of the Plumper Islands and today with the sun shining bright, the bull kelp forests glistened in the sunlight, spreading outwards in the flooding current. Ever changing, while looking behind us, the view-scape was spectacular. The snow-capped Coast Range Mountains of mainland BC made a striking backdrop to the calm blue waters of the Queen Charlotte Strait; it could not have been better and yet it was when suddenly the three humpback whales were sighted once again. In the far distance, the trio of large cetaceans appeared as comfortable travelling companions navigating an empty ocean devoid of any marine traffic and in that precise moment of time, it was an awe-inspiring sight to behold. Other sightings today included: Dall's porpoises, a small group of pacific white-sided dolphins, rhinoceros auklets, pigeon guillemots, an american robin and belted kingfishers.