Breaching humpback whale!
humpback whale fluke
It was an unforgettable day of viewing when it seemed at one point that in every direction one looked, a humpback whale (or two) could be seen surfacing or diving. Because they were so spread out and a
distance apart and with a fast flowing ebbing current, it was difficult to keep track of the four to six humpback whales that we saw today. The first humpback whale we encountered was just off the Plumper Islands travelling into Weynton Passage and having sighted two more, we headed out towards the Queen Charlotte Strait and were soon intent watching as one humpback whale breached suddenly nearby, again and again while a second whale was seen making its way towards the other waving its pectoral fin high. The viewing was exciting and fabulous. As we watched another humpback whale was seen coming from Blackfish Sound while the other two moved off towards Stubbs Island and later Mitchell Bay, meanwhile KC, another humpback whale appeared suddenly nearby and then instead of one whale coming up from Blackfish Sound there were two! As we headed for home and serving our Devonshire Tea on board, another humpback whale was sighted in Weynton Passage. The day was a gorgeous one, the waters calm, and blue like the sky. Herring balls were evident on several occasions with gulls and auklets feeding feverishly. Other sightings: harbour seals, rhinoceros auklets, black oyster catchers, bald eagles, dalls porpoises, cassin's auklets, herring and glaucous-winged gulls.