Humpback whales galore and breathtaking beauty

What a beautiful day we shared on the water and while we did not see any orcas, humpback whales were in abundance. Seeing them throughout the tour, with our first sighting beginning near the Plumper Islands in Weynton Passage, so too was our last sighting and while the fog was seemingly less dense today, fading away leaving wide areas of water open and clear,  the low lying mist would soon envelope us again. Listening for blows, following the sound and then watching the fluke's cutting through the water before disappearing, the fog enhanced the subtle beauty immeasurably. Sighting our first whale in Weynton Passage and doubling back to observe a second whale,  with dall's porpoises riding alongside briefly they added greatly to the experience as did the lazy stellar sea-lions swimming nearby. We cruised through the Plumper Islands where the top end of Blackfish Sound revealed at first one humpback whale and as we waited, more blows were seen. Unbelievably, we counted five whales swimming around us in various directions, some were near and others reaching as far as Swanson Island whiltwo more were in Weynton Passage and so was the magic of the whales today. Making our way through the Plumper Islands, it was truly a beautiful experience that revealed not only hauled out harbour seals but also ruddy turnstones, harlequin ducks and on other islands we also saw black oyster catchers, bald eagles, pigeon guillemots, herring, glaucous, mew and california gulls, belted kingfishers, a double-crested cormorant, cassins auklets, common murres, red-necked phalaropes and rhinoceros auklets. Entering into Weyton Passage on our way home it was with much excitement that we saw yet again the majestic mesmerizing fluke of a humpback whale just as passengers began partaking of their Devonshire Tea. Where else in the world can you enjoy a hot cup of organic Earl Grey Tea and feast on fresh baked scones with jam and cream and watch a humpback whale foraging nearby? The timing was  wonderful and the viewing superb! As we made our way home via the Pearse Islands, the fog began to fade and the bright blue waters revealed, in contrast to the grey, was extraordinary and brilliant.