A Tribute to Plumper ~

Plumper You are gone and a memory you have now become your tall, and striking dorsal fin, so clearly defined across the years and etched so clearly in ones mind and memory bank. How beautiful you were and you always will be so.

When we all think back on those glorious days of you fishing with your brothers, so blissfully off Lizard Point a favourite place of yours and they. How wonderful it was seeing you Plumper, majestic among your brothers, and they as well beautiful boys and brothers three , well loved by all you were.

And then it was brothers two, you and playful Kaikash. Now you have left him, and us as well. We all grieve you collectively as a dear friend passed, yet we still feel your presence out in the Strait's and Sound, perhaps that is because we loved and miss you so! Wherever Kaikash goes, go you, and reminded of you we shall aways be, dear beautiful boy.

by Maureen Towers

July 20, 2014