Resident Orcas: I15's and fantastic Humpback Whale viewing!
What an amazing afternoon we enjoyed, it was absolutely beautiful to be out and about on such a gorgeous day. The I15's entered Johnstone Strait just ahead of us as we passed by Weynton Passage and we carried on to the east, observing the matrilineal groups that make up the I15's as they travelled east. They were travelling at 3 knots and near Kaikash Beach their speed picked up to 4 knots and they moved closer in towards the Vancouver Island shoreline. We observed a single pacific white-sided dolphin swimming with then and believe that this was likely the same one that we had observed with the I15's some 10 days or more ago. Its small size (fin), when compared to the orcas it is not so readily noticed and it can therefore be easily overlooked when observing the I15's especially when they are so spread out. Today the dolphin was very much apart of and travelling closely with the I15's and at one point we observed it breaching multiple times ahead of one of the family groups, it was safe and secure in the midst of the larger dolphins! Our time with the humpback whales in Weynton Passage this evening was awe-inspiring and wonderful. Words cannot fully describe the scene of vibrant and speeding water flowing back into Johnstone Strait, the upwelling's and whirlpools, birds galore and the sheer intensity of the fast-moving humpback whales moving through it all, three and possibly for whales, it was phenomenal and fabulous to see with ones own eyes, it was natures magic at its best! Also seen today: dall's porpoises, rhinoceros auklets, common murres, red-necked phalaropes, great blue herons, belted kingfishers, fork-tailed storm petrels, bald eagles, herring balls and gull species.
Today's penned comment: The most beautiful day that I have ever had! The water was calm, warm and relaxing. The sights were breathtaking! We were blessed with several groups of orcas with breaching babies. Bald eagles gliding over the water, cranes overlooking the herring in the ocean vortex. And our day was topped off with warm delicious raspberry cream scones and humpback whale feeding. The whole day was like a dream, thanks so much. ~ Ash, Edmonton, Canada