August 26th: Humpback Whales in and out of the fog ~ a beautiful day!

Please note, due to Internet outage on the evening of August 25th and then Hydro being out most of yesterday, August 26th on the entire North Island until 1.00 a.m. this morning, I am late in posting our photo's (and blog) for the previous two days. I hope to catch up later today when we are back from today's tour. While yesterday was a foggy day on the water as the photo's will show, when the sun broke through in wide and wonderful circles, it was very hot and the day was a gorgeous one.  We received a report early on in our tour yesterday that  some 30 orcas were travelling far east in Johnstone Strait and that they were still easting. There were no reports or sightings of orcas in our area. With that in mind we travelled through Weynton Passage and out into Blackfish Sound and enjoyed our day viewing numerous humpback whales. We also enjoyed a brief encounter with two dall's porpoises riding at the bow of the boat. Also seen: Rhinoceros and cassins auklets, common murres, marbled murrelets, bald eagles and gull species.

Our penned comments: "David and Maureen, your welcome and care on board is marvellous. We were not so lucky, lots of fog and almost no animals. We did see six whales but no orcas. We liked the scones and maybe next time better luck. You both did a good job. Greetings" ~ Hank and Anne, Netherlands

"Thank you David and Maureen for the fantastic trip! Loved the sounds and sights of this spectacular area. Humpbacks and dall's porpoises (a 1st for me!) and all of the birds were magnificent. And so was your hospitality - great muffins and scones, and conversation." ~ Trish, Goose Bay, Labrador

"Thank you so much Dave and Maureen for the great trip and sightings. I had a great time. Hopefully I will be able to come whale watching with you guys again. It was awesome to see eagles, whales and wildlife. Thanks again".  ~ Saydee, Goose Bay, Labrador

"Thank you so much for our 'foggy' trip  and for your unshakable and contagious enthusiasm!" ~ Mary, Vancouver, BC

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