Magical moments with Resident Orcas ~ A30's & A42's, trap feeding Humpback Whales & a Minke Whale!

It was another amazing day! Gazing across a gorgeous seascape of glassy calm and pinky blue pristine waters, there they were! One blow glimpsed far off into the distance and towards the Penfold Islands followed a minute or two later by surfacing tiny black dorsal fins and orcas were sighted! Ahead of this we had seen two humpback whales in Weynton Passage and several more blows down in Blackfish Sound as well as stellar sea lions hauled out and also in the water swimming. The orcas were resting and drifting west out with the ebbing current, they were the A30's and A42's. Listening via our hydrophone we could clearly hear their beautiful A-Clan calls and as we continued to drift with our engine off, they turned and slowly swam against the ebbing current in the top end of Blackfish Sound. Humpback Whales were sighted in the near vicinity and we headed in their direction and enjoyed some fabulous viewing of two humpback whales trap feeding, a third whale was also feeding with them. The episode of trap feeding lasted a few intense minutes before the whales all moved off to feed elsewhere, we had seen at least six individual humpback whales in the area. The orcas meanwhile were still at the top end of Blackfish Sound and as we drifted with our engine off, listening to their calls and observing their activity (some were resting, others foraging while the calves were playful with tail and pectoral slapping, spy-hopping and jostling one another) suddenly they turned and made their way quickly towards us, taking us by surprise it was unbelievable and simply wonderful, especially to see them rolling over one another in playfulness, the calves upside down, their calls heard above the water as well via the hydrophone, the viewing was superb yet over in the blink of an eye! Long after they had passed us, we watched the calves as they continued to play, still jostling, slapping their pectoral fins and tails, all of it adding magic to the already magical day! Turning back we cruised through quiet waterways, so beautiful and sparkling in the day's glorious sunshine. Of special interest on our way home and nearing Alder Bay a minke whale was seen, alas a photo was not obtained! Also seen today: harbour seals, rhinoceros auklets, common murres, red-necked phalaropes, fork-tailed storm petrels, belted kingfishers, a double crested cormorant, white-winged scoters and gull species. Today's penned comments: "A wonderful day ~ Nature at its best! Sun, calm, humpbacks feeding and the orcas racing under the boat ~ then cream tea! Perfect!" Betsy, BC

" A once in a lifetime experience. I had never seen a humpback whale before and the pods of orcas were amazing! Especially when they went under the boat. The beautiful weather and calm sea made it even more special. Thank you also for the delicious hot chocolate and muffins followed by your delicious Devon scones and cream with raspberry jam and Earl Grey Tea! I will have to tell the grandchildren and kids all about it." ~ Rosemary, UK

"A truly amazing sail, humpback whales feeding near shore, orca's treating us to an up-close and personal viewing as they dove under the boat, beautiful weather, calm seas, lovely tea. LIFE IS VERY GOOD!"~ Lin & Fred, AZ

"Thank you very much for this beautiful boat trip! It was amazing, unforgettable! A true moment of happiness. Thanks again to both of you." ~ Gaille, France

"Thank you so much for an amazing day! Colby and I enjoyed it all." ~ Heather & Colby, Victoria, BCIMG_6580 IMG_6577 IMG_6575 IMG_6571 IMG_6566 IMG_6520 IMG_6506 IMG_6503 IMG_6493 IMG_6479 IMG_6396 IMG_6381 IMG_6378 IMG_6358 IMG_6319 IMG_6303 IMG_6296 IMG_6269 IMG_6267 IMG_6243 IMG_6222 IMG_6211 IMG_6198 IMG_6193