Sailing with the A30's in Johnstone Strait while listening to their A-Clan calls ~ What a treat!

IMG_4088 IMG_4085 IMG_4046 IMG_4077 IMG_4034 IMG_4024 IMG_4054 IMG_4053 IMG_4039 IMG_4051 IMG_4006 There are minimal words sometimes to describe the beauty we see. Today we braved strong tidal currents and high winds. We caught sight of a big black dorsal fin thanks to our fellow whale watchers and from then on, had a fantastic visit with the family of resident orcas known as the A30's. There is one large male in this family (A38)  and he was the first orca that we were able to find amongst the whitecaps in Blackfish Sound. The A30's were all spread out across the Sound and then came together to pass through a narrow passage in the Plumper Islands, it was beautiful watching them doing so. The smaller members of the group were spy hopping and rolling around quite playfully before, during and after passing through the Passage.

A blow in the distance caught our eyes and we had a brief visit with a humpback whale, it was very lovely and lucky to have these two species in the same area today! There were a few dall's porpoises we could make out in the whitecaps and some harbour seals hauled out on the rocks as well. With bald eagles flying overhead, we returned to catch up with the orcas again and had the opportunity to cut the motor and sail with them. With our hydrophone trailing behind us while we sailed, we were able to listen to some very loud and clear A-Clan calls as they swam into Johnstone Strait and oh what a treat! The smiles on our faces stayed glued as we made our way out of the wind and through the little islands en route for home.

Today's penned comments: "While I'm writing this down I'm having a hot cup of tea and delicious scones. We were lucky enough today to see orca's and a humpback whale. It is a very nice trip with lots to be seen. Ive enjoyed it very much. Thanks!"                                Thea and Henk from Holland.

"A splendid day on the sea. We had a lot of fun. Thanks." Martin & Jo, Germany

"Although we are from Vancouver, this place and this tour were magical. Listening to the orca's we were watching through the boat's underwater mic was a highlight." Brian & Linda, BC