Sailing with Orcas and Humpback Whales ~ an uplifting and energizing experience that was enjoyed by all!
It was a fantastic day for sailing with the whales! Heading out this morning, with NW winds blowing we hoisted our main sail and headed down Johnstone Strait and arriving at Blackney Passage we saw two humpback whales at a distance. Entering Blackfish Sound we could see a spread of orca fins ahead of us along with more humpback whale blows and whitecaps! It was indeed a windy day but fantastic for sailing and sailing we did! While trailing our hydrophone, we could also listen to the beautiful A-Clan calls of numerous A-Clan orcas for there was the A30 matriline and the A42's and possibly others, of this we are not absolutely sure as the orcas were in a wide spread across the Sound, foraging and moving about greatly in the ebbing current and with the wind and wave factor, it was not easy to identify, and with the presence of dolphins, the orcas were taking long dives. But it was fabulous to watch and enjoy and the humpback whales as well for they were every bit as exciting to watch, but where to watch and when, became our dilemma! Orcas or humpback whales? We enjoyed some wonderful viewing of A38 as he foraged towards us and around us while we sailed. It was fantastic viewing especially of two humpback whales, a mother and her calf, the calf tail lobbing++ into the wind and choppy waters! Our senses were fully engaged in the 'present moment' for it was exhilarating seeing all that was around us, including pacific white-sided dolphins swimming amongst the orcas and dall's porpoises were also in the area. Also seen: more humpback whales++, stellar sea lions hauled out and swimming, harbour seals, bald eagles, belted kingfishers, rhinoceros auklets, common murres, gull species, red-necked phalaropes and a family of river otters at Alder Bay!
Today's penned comments: 'Nature is magic. Thank you both for being my guide in this tiny little corner of the planet earth. You showed me the glory of the ocean, and your enthusiasm was infectious and extraordinary. I will remember this day for the rest of my life." Kaley, Toronto
"Today was a truly educational and inspirational experience for me. I learned so much about whales and how they sound and behave. They are such magical and mysterious creatures in many ways and I am so thankful I got to see them in their natural habitat. Best". Aaron, Toronto
"Seeing orcas has been on my dream bucket list. Thank you for making it come true. You are incredible guides and hosts". Elysha, Toronto
"Thanks to you both for creating such an incredible experience for us. Your passion, knowledge, experience are evident in everything that you do and the experience you created for us. Thank you for a magical and unforgettable day." Barbara
"Fantastic day! Many orcas, humpbacks, sea lions, river otters, seals, eagles....and great scones!" Colin, Carol & Anna, Olympia, WA & Meritxill, Spain
"Incredible day ~ Full of frollicking humpbacks! Thank you for a wonderful day. The freshly baked scones were delicious!"
'Had no particular expectations so today was incredible and I feel again, so incredibly lucky to live in this part of the world. The voyage was comfortable and we felt well cared for. Mr Safety at the helm & great tea, thank you!"Judith & Jannika, BC
"What a great day! I had so much FIN! It was a WHALE of a good time and I hope to SEAL you again real soon!"Jason
"Lovely relaxing sightseeing". Kathy & Moi, Courtenay, BC