A Big Day on the Water

Three tours kept us on our toes today but thankfully we were gifted with calm and clear conditions which lasted the entire day. The faint tinge of forest fire smoke changed the colour of our scenery, turning the mountains, trees and ocean a mercury pastel. 

Our resident Orcas had traveled east during the night and therefore were out of our reach for most of the day and so we indulged in the beauty and magnificence of the Humpbacks and all other creatures that revealed themselves. Blows from Humpbacks could be seen in all directions and with a mirrored sea, the fine lines of ocean meeting sky were broken by the rising of an occasional fluke. A breach by one individual Humpback thrilled out guests as well as some active feeding behavior when a bait ball attracted all creatures great and small including dolphins, gulls and our gentle giants. 

It was a dolphin day, a seal and porpoise day along with the numerous juvenile Bald Eagles that littered Western Hemlock and cedar trees. 

By early evening, Orca's had steadily made their way west and we caught up with at least two families who continued traveling up Johnstone Strait, leading us homeward bound. A few youngsters spy hopped and tail slapped as the older members of the family kept a steady bearing west. By the end of our tour the fog had joined us and throughout the night it will likely stay then welcome us by morning.