Orca, Humpbacks and Acrobatic Dolphins Creates a Perfect Day
How delightful it is to have a large pod of dolphins spending time foraging, feeding and socializing in the area, giving our guests a spectacular look in to the life of a wild dolphin. It is touching to see them react to our presence, wanting to bow and wake ride and leap clear out of the water as though they are simply indulging in play.
We delayed our tour this morning to allow the fog to burn off which it did much earlier than yesterday. By mid morning the sun was high in the sky and the fog was history. Orca's were sighted not long after we had departed from Alder Bay and it was our resident two families consisting of the A42's and A30's. They foraged in the rip right in Blackney Passage for hours this morning and not far beyond this point were the Humpbacks.
Numerous Humpbacks were seen today foraging in close proximity to eachother. At one moment we were able to capture three surfacing Humpbacks as they prepared for a deep dive.
The day was hot but the ocean offered a cool breeze which kept the heat at bay, and the sun touched on everything wild and wonderful.