Orca, Humpbacks & Seine Boats
What an amazing day! The fog lifted in record time this morning allowing us to be underway right on schedule. With a clear horizon we were able to search the horizon and it wasn't long before blows from Humpbacks could be seen. At one stage we counted ten whale blows so we slowed right down and simply drifted while the Humpbacks foraged. Further up the coast off the tip of Swanson Island, we enjoyed two family groups of Orca which we viewed in brilliant sunshine.
By afternoon the Orcas had made their way east. There were Orca and Seine fishing boats scattered along Johnstone Strait, therefore we were able to view whales foraging for salmon and commercial fishing boats netting them at the same time. It was an incredible sight.
Among the pods we observed a couple of calves who were excitedly tail lobbing and spy hopping as they fished with their family. There were so many whales we could hardly travel out of the area to go and view Humpbacks. We had to keep stopping over and over to watch more whales as we gently traveled on.
The weather was sunny and the seas were calm as we ventured further. At one stage we turned into Blackfish Sound and hit a wonderful wall of warm air that had a scent that was fresh and forest tainted. As we moved further into the sound the winds shifted and everyone held on as we experienced some fresh ocean spray.
By late afternoon we sat in a sheltered area and waited and watched for Humpbacks to surface. It wasn't long before Captain Jon spotted two gentle giants surface to breath. We witnessed several dives by these magnificent animals before heading home.
It was breathtaking to feel the sun and see the glimmer of it on the ocean as we traveled back to Alert Bay. Clear skies, blue water and endless mountain views were there for us to admire. What a magnificent day. Photos and Blog by Robin Quirk