Northern Resident Orcas ~ The A30’s and A25’s and so much more!

Passengers on both tours today were delighted in seeing Humpback whales and also Northern Resident Orcas, the A30's and the A25's! Their A-Clan vocalizations heard via our hydrophone (underwater microphone) was distinct and beautiful and added much to the tour. It does not get any better than seeing orcas spread out and foraging while simultaneously listening to their vocalizations and later watching them travel side by side in their family groups.

The A30 matriline is made up of two sisters, A50 and A54, their offspring and grand offspring spanning three generations! And, although their mother, A30, is deceased, the matriline is still known as the A30's because both daughters are alive.

The A30's have taught all of us, researchers, and whale watching operators alike and we at Seasmoke have observed this Matriline for the past 33 summers, and they have taught us so much. We are thrilled to have seen them today, and welcome their arrival back into 'home waters'. For so many summers in previous past years, it has been their home waters almost exclusively, and nostalgic memories come flooding back with thoughts of A30, a remarkable and memorable matriarch foraging with her three older sons (now deceased) and two younger daughters who today, carry on the lineage as did their mother. It makes one pause and reflect and give gratitude to this family and all the other Northern Resident Orcas, including the A25's who were also seen today and have their own story to tell.

We were also fortunate in viewing 6-8 Humpback whales on both tours, as well as Dall's porpoises++, numerous Harbour seals, mothers and their pups, Rhinoceros Auklets, Common Murres, Bald Eagles and one Stellar sea lion.

It was a day in which everyone one board our boat was excited and smiling profusely and the weather was gorgeous as well!