The Rain Doesn't Stop Them!

A misty fall rain was coming down today as the MV Seasmoke left the Alert Bay dock, then skies brightened and soon enough, cleared to make for an overcast but dry day with good visibility. Waters were a lovely silver blue and flat calm. Guests returned warm and happy to have seen such a plethora of wildlife out in local waters today.

Whales were sighted in the same locales as yesterday: in Blackfish Sound off Stubbs Island and in Weynton Passage. Passengers enjoyed the sight of Humpbacks feeding and foraging, and blowing with a great Whoof! The ‘A’ groups of Orca were in with the Humpbacks making for great observation opportunities and most exciting was having one large male Orca in particular come up to visit the boat. It is wonderful to have healthy numbers of Northern Residents here where we hope they will be - meaning our waters are keeping them alive and fed on their favourite salmon.

Numerous Stellar sea lions are in our vicinity typical of their annual migration. Our skipper estimated 150 of them were lounging and making noise on their favourite Sea Lion Rock and swimming about in Weynton Passage and Blackfish Sound where they fish. Sooty Shearwater were also all over - dipping and diving for the little fish they find in bait balls, and Cormorants, the Common Murre, Red Necked Phalarope and Rhinoceros Auklet were seen throughout Blackfish Sound.

Dall’s porpoise flitted through the waters and it was another fantastic day in which to appreciate all the varied nature on our doorstep.