Fall has arrived for sure! Today it was cool and a south east wind was blowing on the water in Johnstone Strait. The A30 matriline were foraging at Cracroft Point, they were well spread out and were focusing intensely on feeding. Because of wind conditions our stay sail was raised enabling easy manoeuvreing, back and forth in the flood current in Blakney Passage while passengers observed the orcas forage. Leaving the area and traveling into Blackfish Sound, the water was calm and soon the blows of two humpback whales were sighted. It was wonderful watching the dive sequences of the pair and glimpsing their flukes when they dived. A large grouping of stellar sea lions were observed hauled out, some 130+ others in the water. Other sightings today were: Dalls porpoises, harbour seals hauled out, sooty shearwaters, rhinoceros auklets, pigeon guillemots, white-winged scoters, surf scoters, oyster catchers, common mergansers in flight, bald eagles and an eaglet nearby the nest, california gulls and glaucous-winged gulls.