Today was another beautiful day on the water and the viewing of orcas was exceptional. This morning we headed in the direction of Johnstone Strait and the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve and it was not so long to wait before we could see the distinctive tall dorsal fin of an approaching adult male orca. The A36 brothers were on their way back to the west foraging steadily, they were well spread out across Johnston Strait. A12 was also sighted, she was foraging very close along the Vancouver Island shoreline, A37 was parallel to her while A32 and A46 were over on the West Cracroft Island side of the Strait. The three brothers converged together at Cracroft Point and continued to forage in the flood current. It was exciting to see them feeding, moving back and forth with powerful strokes in chase of salmon. On the afternoon tour passengers enjoyed their time viewing the same A36 brothers and the A12 matriline who had continued to travel further west and were foraging west of Blinkhorn and our encounter with them on this tour was while sailing. The experience of moving quietly along with them under sail was wonderful and passengers were able to listen to their A-Clan calls via the trailing hydrophone. Meanwhile, the A30’s, who had traveled east from Lizard Point this morning were observed entering Johnstone Strait from Blackfish Sound via a narrow waterway that separates the Plumper Island group from Hanson Island and is known locally as the ‘Blowhole’. It is always a special treat to see orcas navigating through the narrow island waterways in this manner and on this occasion, the A30’s (10 orcas in total), was a powerfully moving sight to see. Other species also seen today: Dall’s Porpoises, Harbour Seals, Bald Eagles, Rhinoceros Auklets ++, Common Murres and Gulls++(Mews, California, Herring and Glaucous-Winged).