Heading out this afternoon it was not long before passengers on both vessels were in sight of orcas east of Blinkhorn. There were two Matrilines and their offspring: the A30’s and the A24’s. The mothers and calves were traveling along Vancouver Island and very close to shore, foraging as they went while A38 and A39 were well spread out, A39 being the greatest distance across the Strait from the others. With the hydrophones deployed it was a treat to sit and listen to their A-Clan calls. The viewing had already been wonderful when we learned that the A36 brothers and A12 were entering Johnstone Strait through Weynton Passage. It was very moving to watch as the four orcas entered the Strait altogether as a family group. As they surfaced together it was wonderful seeing A12 in this manner, surrounded by the boys, her being in the middle and all of them very much at ease. They commenced to travel east down the Strait while the A30’s and the A24’s who had been foraging and resting at the top end of the Strait around the Bauza Islets, also turned and commenced to travel back east. Other species also seen today: Dall’s Porpoises, Harbour Seals, Bald Eagles and an Eaglet in the nest, Rhinoceros Auklets ++, Common Murres and Gulls++(Mews, California, Herring and Glaucous-Winged.