Shortly after leaving the dock in Alder Bay this morning a Minke Whale was sighted feeding alongside of numerous gulls. It was a great start to the tour before we traveled further to where numerous Stellar Sea Lions were swimming in the water and many more were observed hauled out. The sounds of their growls were like lions roaring and could be heard a vast distance away. Beyond the sea lions a Humpback Whale was sighted feeding in Weynton Passage and crossing Blackfish Sound a second whale was sighted followed by a third Humpback Whale, these were both feeding intently along with numerous Murres and Auklets. It was exciting to see active feeding including lunge feeding by a whale at one herring ball site; a gull was observed feeding on krill at another site. Altogether there were six Humpback Whales reported in the area today. Other sightings included: Dall’s Porpoises, Harbour Seals, Rhinoceros Auklets, Common Murres, Red-necked Phalaropes, Pelagic Cormorants, Harlequin Ducks, Belted Kingfishers, Surf Scoters++, Western Grebes, Pigeon Guillemots, Mew and Herring Gulls.