It has been a most glorious day on the water and a super relaxed day for viewing orcas. Travelling into Blackfish Sound this morning the blow of a humpback whale was sighted near Parsons Light and as we headed in that direction a second humpback whale was sighted in the same close vicinity. It was exciting to watch their movement back and forth and to watch them as they surfaced and dived. On two occasions a small group of dalls’ porpoises joined us riding at the bow of the boat in Blackfish Sound surprising and delighting everyone onboard. Passing through Blackney Passage and out into Johnstone Strait the orcas were sighted traveling towards us moving along quickly from the Pig Ranch. It was exciting viewing when two orcas passed alongside, seemingly following us as we moved away from their line of travel. The A24’s were spread out, some traveling close along the West Cracroft shoreline, they foraged briefly in Blackney Passage before moving off to the west along the Hanson Island shoreline. Other sightings included: harbour seals, rhinoceros auklets, herring, california, bonaparte and mew gulls, common murres, red-necked phalaropes and bald eagles.