A magical day spent viewing two humpback whales, both were in the vicinity of Weynton Passage and the Plumper Islands. It was fabulous to watch as they made their way back and forth in the fast flowing flood current, feeding through herring balls and amongst numerous rhinoceros auklets and common murres who were also feeding on herring. While the Queen Charlotte Strait was engulfed in a heavy fog this morning the picturesque and quiet waters of the Plumper Islands were not and it was wonderful to cruise through exploring their beauty at a slower pace, passing keen kayakers along the way. Other sightings today included: dall’s porpoises, stellar sea lions, harbour seals hauled out and swimming in the water, red-necked phalaropes, california, mew and glaucous-winged gulls, bald eagles and an eaglet in the nest, belted kingfishers, harlequin ducks and oyster catchers. Other notes: Bigg’s (Transient) orcas, the same groups who have been in the area the past few days (T75B’s & T77’s) were reported travelling west past Lizard Point late in the morning, continuing on to Malcolm Point.