The fog was lifting when we left the dock this morning and made our way towards Donegal Head which as we approached we could see was obscured by heavy fog. Two resident orcas, assumed to be the A36 brothers, A37 & A46 had been reported foraging at Lizard Point by sports fisherman earlier but were suddenly sighted travelling in the fog off Donegal Head moving steadily to the east. We caught up to them just as they were breaking out of the fog at Bold Head and could clearly see that they were the brothers and they were swimming parallel some 200 meters apart making good headway in the flood current. Passengers suddenly pointed out three more orcas breaking out of the fog ahead of and some distance separated from the brothers. As we watched, they took a deep dive and when they resurfaced they were altogether in a beautiful resting line of five orcas, their pace had slowed and their synchronized surfacing and diving was breathtaking to watch. It was sheer beauty to watch as the brothers swam in unison with them, relaxed and seemingly so apart of the small group of the A11 matriline (A11, her youngest daughter A56 and her off-spring A97). As they made their way slowly to the east along the Hanson Island shore, the fog line was clearing and added to the beauty and majesty of the day. Meanwhile a humpback whale was sighted across on the Swanson Island shore opposite in Blackfish Sound and as we drew nearer, a second humpback whale was also observed, both were making their way west towards Bold Head. Always exciting to see was the dive sequence that humpback whales make with their flukes raised high when diving. Homeward bound we encountered two more humpback whales feeding in Weynton Passage, it was a fabulous ending to a brilliant day of viewing cetaceans in the area. Other sightings today included: dall’s porpoises, stellar sea lions, harbour seals, rhinoceros auklets, common murre, red-necked phalaropes, california, mew and glaucous-winged gulls, bald eagles and an eaglet in the nest and belted kingfishers.