The fog was heavy when we headed out this morning but the sun was high and warming and a good sign that we could expect a warm and sunny afternoon. The A36 brothers: A37 & A46 were first sighted today off Cracroft Point entering Blackney Passage into Blackfish Sound, it was a good sighting and helped everyone enormously (all of the whale watching vessels) today due to heavy fog being present in Blackfish Sound and the Queen Charlotte Strait. The current was ebbing quickly as we made our way out through Weynton Passage and the Plumper Islands and crossing Blackfish Sound in the fog, knowing that the two orcas were ahead of us. And suddenly there they were! Beautiful and synchronized in their swimming, the two brothers side by side, travelling together making their way steadily to the west. Turning back we made our way out of the clearing fog into bright sunshine and towards Weynton Passage observing dall’s porpoises along the way and then the blow of a humpback whale was sighted. There were two humpback whales foraging close along the Plumper Islands shoreline, as well, several stellar sea lions swimming in the water while at the same time a small bird landed on the railing at the bow of the boat distracting everyone on board. The bird was clearly exhausted and needed a rest, it is possible that it had become disoriented while flying in the fog. It flew a few feet more and landed on a passengers head and after resting further, it flew off bravely, flying low, it made it to a rocky outcrop and landed safely much to the relief of everyone onboard. We believe the bird to be an American Dipper, usually found along fast-flowing, rocky streams, it had clearly lost its way. While crossing over to Alert Bay from Alder Bay on our return, a minke whale was sighted. It was truly an amazing day with so many sights and sounds to absorb and process in ones “mind's eye”! Other sightings today included: harbour seals, rhinoceros auklets, common murre, red-necked phalaropes, california, mew and glaucous-winged gulls, bald eagles, belted kingfishers, black turnstones, oyster catchers (parents and their fledged young) and harlequin ducks.