Morning fog lifting to reveal majestic Humpback Whales ~ fabulous viewing!
There was something beautiful about the fog this morning. Perhaps it was the feeling of floating on a glassy calm sea and having no clue about where we were (poetically speaking of course as we always know where we are!). Perhaps it was the moment the sun burnt through, revealing the paradise around us. As we came into a clear patch, we caught glimpses of one, two, three, four Humpback Whales blowing! The humpbacks went off in different directions and we had a nice viewing of one. Though the whale did not fluke, it would surface frequently and we also observed it resting. As it bobbed slowly at the surface you could see the whiteness of the gigantic pectoral fins under the water, that was truly amazing! There were common murres and rhinoceros auklets calling out and diving as we passed and we heard black oyster catchers peeping as we passed through the islands. Close by was a wonderful view of about fifteen harbour seals hauled out, tails and heads in the air. Something stirred them and in well choreographed unison, they moved their heads about. The mist twirled in thin lines mid air, we could nearly reach out and touch it while it seemed to hug the islands, sneaking in between the passages. At the top of Blackfish sound we dropped the hydrophone in the water to listen for calls of the orcas. Everyone went quiet but all we heard was the hum of boat propellers in the distance. No calls...not yet. The Humpback Whales are wonderful to watch meanwhile!
Today's penned comment:
"We had an amazing trip today. At first it was very misty, then the sunshine appeared and all of the beautiful islands appeared in little clouds of fog. It's been wonderful ! We have seen seals and two humpbacks nearby. One of them joined our way and we were deeply impressed with him silently coming up and diving in the deep again. We enjoyed the hospitality on board and the information given on the surroundings and wildlife. Thanks so much for these unique moments, we'll never forget." Katja, Jens, Franzisha, and Marlene, Tonisvorst, Germany
~ Blog by Sarah