Nature on the North Island at its best~ Humpback Whales feeding in their glory!

IMG_9300 IMG_9297IMG_9303 IMG_9278 IMG_9284 IMG_9318 IMG_9316 IMG_9362 IMG_9344 IMG_9331 IMG_9377 IMG_9375 IMG_9357 IMG_9374 It was an amazing day for Humpback Whales! We started off heading toward Johnstone Strait and spotted a Black Bear foraging along the shore of Vancouver Island, just before Beaver Cove. As we approached Hanson Island, a Humpback Whale surfaced before us, showing it's beautiful, large flukes as it dove. Arriving at Blackney Passage, we observed two Humpback Whale blows at a distance, it was Ripple and Ridge foraging amongst a bait ball of herring formed by gulls and diving birds. We were lucky enough to observe Ripple "trap feeding" in the dispersed bait ball as Ridge swam around and another Humpback behind us near Cracroft Point was also feeding. On our way back to Weynton Passage, a Humpback Whale in the distance was breaching and tail lobbing and even though it was a distance away, it was still amazing to view! Among the islands in Weynton Passage, Harbour Seals basked in the sun as the clouds parted and a large group of Steller's Sea Lions swam and jumped playfully as we observed yet another Humpback Whale breaching in the distance and 3 others who were swimming through the passage! It was a spectacular day of viewing the returning Humpback Whales to Northern Vancouver Island waterways. Humpback Whales are indeed in their glory whilst feeding in these inside waters and deserve our care and respect as we navigate around and amongst them. They are fully focussed on feeding+++ and it is what brings them back to our area each summer. We all know and share the saying, 'see a blow, go slow!' It was an absolutely wonderful day of viewing in which we all shared!

Also seen: Dall's Porpoises, Rhinocerous auklets, Common murres, Red-necked Phalaropes, Bald Eagles, Black Oystercatchers, a Great Blue Heron, Belted Kingfishers and gull species.

** Photo's taken with photo lens and cropped for better viewing.

Todays comments:

"Lovely trip, nice people, great food, a wonderful day! Thanks". Thomas and Lotte, the Netherlands

"Many humpbacks today. Smooth seas, cool weather, informative commentary. Saw more today than on other trips on faster boats. Great day!" Norm and Gwen, Shay, Odin and Ty

"It was awesome! I really like whales so I'm very happy. It was huge and incredible. Alert Bay is very pretty. I want to join this tour one more time. Ps: The staff are very kind and helpful. I enjoyed my sea trip. " Makiko, Japan

"Thank you. Really cool trip" Sue, New Zealand

"A phenomenal, breathtaking experience. The beauty, the wildlife and the quiet were exceptional. Saw amazing whales, eagles and sea lions. Thank you so much for making this happen for our family. Service was superior!! Thank you, Nicole and Capt. Dave". Azmaira, Zet, Zafir and Rafery. San Diego, USA