Orcas and Humpback whales in celebration of Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day!

And what a day we had on tour today as we were gifted by not only sightings of Humpback Whales, but Orcas as well! The Northern Residents appeared for the first time this summer, and they were abundant and local which was music to our ears. At least 20 to 25 whales were observed, travelling in their tight matrilineal pods and making their way east from Lizard Point. We saw a young calf in amongst them and some adult males with their six-foot fins slicing gracefully through the water.
At times a Humpback whale appeared amongst the passing Orcas. A few of its deep dives were witnessed by our guests, and they were fortunate to see its tail lift high out of the water. How beautiful it was to look at both species sharing space in the abundant inside waters.
Numerous Eagles were gathered on the islets and islands we explored. Harbour seals, some mothers with young pups were hauled out and lying on rocks at low tide, and a sighting of four Stellar sea lions greatly thrilled our passengers.
The rain kept away for most of the tour, and at times the sun blessed us with its gentle light-warming rays. It was a stunning first day of July!