The season of Fog is upon us

Since summer has truly settled in the coastal regions of British Columbia so has the fog. It adds such mystique to the area and plays with your emotions. We started the morning tour in thick 'pea soup' fog, using our instruments to navigate and taking our travels at a slower pace. When our visibility is limited our other senses are enlivened, and so we listened with keen ears for blows that we could not see.

Even in these conditions, we found whales! As we watched a family of approximately six Orca travelling in a synchronized group, their blows seemed louder, and their black and white bodies were stunning against the thick mist that clung heavy over the sea. 

As the sun burned the fog away, it was as though a curtain had opened wide and more delights could be seen on this wild and dynamic stage. The Humpback whales we saw were in search of food, and there was one magnificent sighting of a mother and her calf. A Stellar Sea lion entertained our guests who watched it catch a salmon, then slapped it from left to right, tenderizing the meat from the bones. Bald Eagles watched from their cedar branch perch and on the horizon, a Humpback was seen leaping out of the water. It breached twice which enabled some of our guests to capture this acrobatic manoeuvre on camera. 

By late afternoon the entire sky was blue, and the suns rays made the surrounding waters glisten.