The Synchronicity  of Nature

The marine layer sat heavy in the sky this morning, as fine moist droplets fell gently. It was calm after wind having moved through during the night. 

Our tour set out with a boat load of eager visitors and it wasn't long before they encountered our resident Orcas who surfaced, their breath blending in with the misty sky. The black and white colourations of the Orca stood out against the grey, and the stillness and silence of the morning emphasized their gentle blow. 

Humpback whales foraged in the same vicinity and it was a treasure to be able to photograph a toothed whale and a baleen whale surfacing in the same place at the same time. Our guests captured this moment on camera in addition to the deeply stored memories they will carry home. 

Numerous bird species are now lingering in large numbers as the richness of the ocean increases. More mouths to feed but more the ocean will provide. How magnificent see the diverse number of animals all sharing in the abundance of the sea. 

As the tour progressed the sun burned away the misty clouds and a clear, stunning blue bird day was soon upon us. Another day filled with gifts from mother nature.