A Generous Gift of Numerous Species
The morning was misty and cool, the ocean was like glass. It could not have been smoother. From a distance birds looked like porpoises and dolphins looked like large whales, it was difficult to tell size due to the mirrored sea.
We were spoiled by the generous gift of so many different species that we encountered today during our two tours. Although the tours varied, it was obvious that each one had a wide range of animal encounters.
We were lucky to have an encounter with a Humpback named Lucky. It was astonishing to watch this whale forage so close to the shore and in amongst the bull kelp. Different anatomy was coming to the surface and we were puzzled as to which part we were looking at; pectoral fin, fluke, rostrum, pleats from the underside of the jaw. You name it, we saw it.
A remarkable group of up to ten Stellar Sea lions appeared near our boat. All ten heads popping up above the water and looking our way was quite something. A group of galloping Pacific White-sided dolphins suddenly showed up. Their white and grey patterned bodies leaped out of the water as they sped through the water obviously traveling with a purpose.
The Orca's which were deep inside the ecological reserve finally turned and started to head west. This gave our second tour the chance to see the icon of this region. The family groups were so spread out it was challenging to try and figure out who they actually were. The overcast sea and sky made their colourations stand out. How stunning black and white appears next to a backdrop of grey.
We certainly can tell that the richest time of the season is approaching when there is an abundance of not only numbers of animals, but the variety as well. It was a stunning way to spend our day.