Sun, Wind and Whales
We had a change in the weather this afternoon due to a Northwest wind that was forecasted to pick up later in the day. As we set off from Alert Bay and Alder Resort, we were under overcast skies and cruising on a calm sea.
The first stop we made was at the Stephenson Islets where at least ten immature Bald Eagles shared the same tree as they perched together on various branches. The speckled colouration of brown and white stood out against the grey skies. The scene below was a mirror image as Harbour Seals also speckled in colour, lounged together on the rocks at the base of the Cedar trees.
As we made our way into Blackfish Sound, a group of Orca had been sighted heading west. By the time we arrived in their vicinity they were milling about and seeming as though they were about to change direction. It did not take long for this small group of Orca, consisting of at least 3 young individuals, turned towards the east. In the same vicinity was a Humpback whale which we stopped to admire as it surfaced regularly and dove deep on occasion. Seeing both whale species in the same location made us notice how much higher the Humpbacks breath reached as it surfaced and released into the still warm air.
In the final hour of our tour the wind had filled in and combined with the strong ocean current, the water gained momentum and created wind waves. As we journeyed home against the wind and waves, our passengers enjoyed the liveliness of the sea as the occasional ocean spray reached them. Stellar sea lions seemed to enjoy the new energy of the water as they leaped and dove, frolicked and played in the lively sea.
It was another great afternoon sharing in the company of the wonderful world of the wild.