Five shades of grey

Today was the kind of day I would call ‘a dolphin day’. There is something about a calm grey sea below a sky blanketed by cloud, it makes one feel as though dolphins belong here and we will see them any minute. Today we did see dolphins; the largest of the dolphin species – Orcinus Orca.

It was a group of Biggs (Transient) Orca that were sighted soon after departing Alder Bay on Vancouver Island. They seemed to be taking long dives, perhaps hunting and later on in the afternoon they were dynamically swimming in the riptide of Weynton Passage.  Since starting our tours this season Biggs have been sighted more times than not which is unusual but a pleasing surprise.

More Humpbacks are arriving in the area as we move deeper into June. During our afternoon we saw at least four, all foraging and searching for food in a similar location in Blackfish Sound.

While cruising amongst the picturesque channels and small islands we stopped to check out the Eagles nest. We were thrilled to observe one of the parents returning to the nest to perform the diligent duties of a guardian. By this time the eggs would have hatched and now there are like one or two chirping beaks to feed.

It was another delightful day sharing with our guests the rich beauty of Northern Vancouver Island.

  • Photo contribution by Robin Quirk