Glassy Calm and Tranquil

It has been three days since we last experienced fog. How spoilt we feel when everyday we wake to glassy calm seas, good visibility and reports of orca in the area.

This afternoon we ventured out towards the west, on the backside of Malcolm Island in search of at least three pods of Northern Resident Orca. At first the whales were reported traveling in a westerly direction, away from us. By the time we reached them, by luck they had turned and were now heading towards us. We stopped, turned off our engines and lowered the underwater microphone. The whales were spread out covering a large area of ocean. A few large dorsal fins could be seen in the distance aswell as the occasional mum and calf duo. The calls we were hearing were A Clan calls which matched the report that the A30’s were in the vicinity.

As we admired these beautiful, family oriented whales we saw the occasional fast speed porpoise by the younger members of the group. One calf breached and tail slapped which perhaps had something to do with the Pacific White-sided dolphins which buzzed around their heads like crows harassing eagles. The Orca’s dove deep to rid themselves of the pesky cetaceans.

When it came time to move on we ventured back into Blackfish Sound to look for Humpbacks. Right off Bold Head at least three large blows could be seen which could only belong to the Humpback. Again with engines off we watched three individuals forage in large circles, giving us ample time to take memorable photos and to watch in awe as these 45 foot whales gently surface creating hardly a ripple. Common Murres by the hundreds rested on the waters nearby the whales, waiting for the next bait-ball to present itself.

This was the calmest and most tranquil afternoon spent with happy guests who soaked in the beauty of the stunning backyard of Alert Bay.