Perfect Timing For Orcas, Humpback Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises
The sea was mostly calm and the day warm and bright when we headed out on our tour this afternoon. There were Orcas reported to be travelling west near the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve in Johnstone Strait and we made our way in that direction.
En route, at Blinkhorn we had some excitement when 12-14 Pacific White-sided dolphins came alongside bow-riding and swimming in our wake. It was a fun time for everyone onboard as they watched the dolphins sleek bodies coming in close to the boat and then sprinting away time and again as though in play!
We encountered the orcas, the T018’s Biggs (Transient) orcas near the Sofia Islands and observed them travelling into Blackfish Sound via Blakney Passage. They were obviously in travel mode and passed close by to Harbour Seals and a Stellar Sea Lion hauled out without incident and showing no interest in hunting them.
We were thrilled to see four Humpback whales feeding back and forth in a triangle between Bold Head and Stubbs Island where a few bait balls were also seen. Watching them as well as the tiny Red-necked Phalaropes feeding nearby was quite the contrast. The tiny birds were seemingly oblivious to the giant sized whales in their midst as they were also busily feasting upon the food at hand. When one sees a group of phalaropes it can be called a “swirl or a “whirl” because of their twirling motion causing whirlpools when they feed at times. They are extremely delightful birds to watch.
We had a last exciting encounter on our way home when some 6-7 Dall’s porpoises joined us at the bow of our boat and riding alongside, they could not have timed it better!
On days like today, with the sights and sounds of many species gathering together to feed in the waters that flow, with the sun warm upon us and the smell of the ocean air, one is reminded that the signs of fall are beginning to appear.