Fog, Calm and Sunshine
After a couple of days off the water it was splendid to be back in the saddle and once again cruising the coastline of this spectacular Northern Van Isle region.
Although the fog was thick throughout the morning, the heat from the sun did a marvelous job of burning it all away. There was constant radio chatter from other operators reporting of fog conditions and as usual different boats from other companies traveled in various locations in search of whales.
Some of our Seasmoke guests that had arrived to Alert Bay on the 840am ferry had seen a single Orca traveling east and even had a photograph to prove it. This report certainly created the incentive for all boats to look carefully and thoroughly.
Various species of marine mammals were busy today. At least on three occasions we witnessed a Stellar Sea lion feasting on a freshly caught salmon. Humpbacks foraged in number of locations and it seemed that Dall’s porpoise were around every corner we turned.
By mid afternoon a completely clear blue sky was above us and the sea was like a mirror, glassy calm and smooth like silk. It was a peaceful day as we maneuvered through narrow channels, taking in the magnificent scenery of forested islands and the final wisps of fog dancing among the trees.