Magical Day on the Water

Today’s tour left Alert Bay at noon under sunny, slightly overcast skies under calm conditions and went on to pick up passengers at Alder Bay Resort.

What a treat for everyone today with the ‘I’ pod of Resident Orca (I27s) swimming nearby with their cute calves - about 6-8 of the ‘black and white’s altogether. Pacific White Sided dolphins had fun harassing the Orca and made for an entertaining trip. Dall’s porpoise were at Bold Head, and that’s where everyone also had a chance to see the Humpback whales, five of them, foraging around for the little krill and fish they thrive on.

Bold Head was a gathering place for numerous Sooty Shearwater once again, and many other waterfowl such as the Pigeon Guillemot, Red Necked Phalarope, Rhinoceros Auklet and the Common Murre. Bald eagles were sighted in the Plumper Islands and the Stephansons, where Harbour seals lounged on rocky islets.

Delighted guests arrived back just as the rain began - and altogether had a wonderful time, in this great place with so much to see.