Amazing Day for Everyone!

Guests returned from today’s morning/afternoon tour thrilled with all the wonderful wildlife they saw while out in our local waters. The list was long: about six Humpback whales, groups of 15 Orca, numerous Dall’s porpoise and many, many Stellar sea lions.

The day was lovely and warm - sunny skies dotted with clouds, and with a calm ocean and just a slight breeze. The MV Seasmoke left Alert Bay at 11am and our skipper headed out towards Blackfish Sound to intercept the ‘black and white’s’ that were spotted at Donegal Head off Stubbs Island - all spread out and foraging. One even leapt straight up out of the water beside the boat - how exciting!

Passengers and skipper counted about 130 Stellar sea lions also spread out - lounging on their special rock, and numerous ones spotted in Blackfish Sound and at Stubbs Island. The gentle giants, the huge Humpback were in amongst the Orca - also feeding - diving several shallow dives before emerging for a breath, then taking that final deep dive. The lively little Dall’s porpoise were popping up all over the place - in the gorgeous Pearse Islands, Blackfish Sound and throughout Weynton Passage.

Lots of waterfowl such as the Common Murre and Red Necked Phalarope were seen swimming in Blackfish Sound and a few Bald eagles were perched near their nest. A spectacular day out there and everyone was so appreciative of the opportunity to view all of this varied wildlife in their beautiful natural surroundings.