Tons of Whales

Sunny, warm, calm, beautiful, and tons of whales! We started the afternoon off with a sail with the whales tour aboard SV Tuan and a motor cruise aboard MV Cetacea. Shortly after the leaving the dock both vessels encountered a group of Dall's porpoise that wanted to play. The water today was calm and clear and one could look down into it and see their entire bodies swimming this way and that. Next on the agenda were the Orcas and we were lucky enough to have 6 pods swimming right towards us. It was the first time this year we have seen the A23 pod and the A25 pod. A51 had a new calf last October and it was great to see that it made it through its first winter. All together we saw over 20 Orcas and the vocalizations were amazing! MV Cetacea wandered off after some great encounters with the Orcas to find 2 Humpback whales in Blackfish Sound, while SV Tuan found a huge Stellar's Sea lion and more Dall's porpoise after their Orca encounters. Both vessels were lucky enough to add a third whale to the daily list when they came across a large Minke whale in front of Alert Bay when we were all just about home.


More Porpoises under the Tuan
Dall's porpoise

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