This morning the orcas were sighted at Cracroft Point, they were in resting lines, the rhythmic pattern of their surfacing in unison to exhale and inhale was beautiful to watch and mesmerizing as were the sounds they made in the stillness of the morning; the A5 pods and the A24’s. On the afternoon tour, the orcas were moving west from Cracroft Point along the Hanson Island shore. Light winds were blowing and both the main sail and the stay sail were hoisted enabling passengers the experience of sailing quietly with the orcas while trailing the hydrophone while listening to their A-Clan calls. Some of the pods carried on west towards the Stephenson Islands (the A25’s and A8’s) while the A23’s and A24’s crossed over to the VI shore, all of them foraging. It was up in Beaver Cove that all of the pods foraged intensively before they turned back to the east. The lighting was beautiful and the sightings superb! California Gulls were again spread across much of Weynton Passage, a spectacular sight and sound as they fed contently in the flood current.